Personal and remote healthcare


Spoke 2 addresses the development of innovative solutions aimed at the field of healthcare by leveraging expertise in artificial intelligence and robotics.
The goal of Spoke 2 is to create the technological conditions for a shared, connected and personalized care system, by addressing four main challenges: providing home care through the creation of intelligent and interactive environments, fostering the personalization of medical treatments through digital twins, supporting the creation of rehabilitation ecosystems and improving future image-based diagnostics.
The development of innovative devices and technologies and the commercialization of the solutions developed by Spoke 2 will bring added value to hospitals and national health services, benefiting Ligurian and Italian citizens.



The Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) is a private foundation established in 2003with the aim of stimulating the country’s technological development and high-level technological education in Italy, thereby fostering the development of the national production system.
IIT operates in four research domains: Robotics, Nanomaterials, Life Sciences Technologies and Computational Sciences, with a multidisciplinary approach aimed at attracting talent from all over the world and using AI in all research and its application.


Lorenzo De Michieli

Lorenzo De Michieli is Director of Technology Transfer at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Principal Investigator of the Rehab Technologies Lab of IIT, an Innovation Lab co-funded by IIT and INAIL to develop new prostheses, exoskeletons and rehabilitation devices with high market potential in the healthcare sector.

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Ecosistema RAISE - Lorenzo De Michieli - Coordinatore Spoke 2

Spoke Affiliation


Spoke 02
Spoke 2 in Spain presents challenges and future directions of monitoring in neurorehabilitation

Spoke 2 in Spain presents challenges and future directions of monitoring in neurorehabilitation

The researchers Marianna Semprini, Florencia Garro and Indya Ceroni (IIT, Spoke 2) have attended the International Conference on NeuroReh...

29 November 2024
Spoke 02
Conference at RAISE Village: the National Biodiversity Future Center for biodiversity conservation

Conference at RAISE Village: the National Biodiversity Future Center for biodiversity conservation

On november 2nd, RAISE Village hosted a conference of great significance for the future of biodiversity, involving the National Biodivers...

04 November 2024
Spoke 02
MERMAID-AI: the teleassistance platform for first aid at sea. A Spoke 2 project at the RAISE Village

MERMAID-AI: the teleassistance platform for first aid at sea. A Spoke 2 project at the RAISE Village

On october 31, on the RAISE Village stage, Federico Descalzo, Chief Commercial Officer of Netalia, presented the talk “MERMAID-AI: ...

01 November 2024
Spoke 02
Quantifying patient health for precision rehabilitation in modern medicine: a presentation by Spoke 2 at the RAISE Village

Quantifying patient health for precision rehabilitation in modern medicine: a presentation by Spoke 2 at the RAISE Village

On October 31, at the RAISE Village, Jacopo Zenzeri, CEO of ReWing, delivered a talk titled “Quantifying Patient Health for Precisi...

01 November 2024
Spoke 02
At RAISE Village the talk the “smart environments for smart telemonitoring” organized by Spoke 2

At RAISE Village the talk the “smart environments for smart telemonitoring” organized by Spoke 2

On October 27th the talk area of ​​the RAISE Village hosted on stage Ludovico Pedullà and Erica Grange from the Italian Multiple Scl...

28 October 2024
Spoke 02
Gli importanti progressi nel progetto AI-MOKa dello spoke 2 di RAISE

Gli importanti progressi nel progetto AI-MOKa dello spoke 2 di RAISE

Il progetto AI-MOKa, dello Spoke 2 di RAISE, è stato così sintetizzato da uno dei ricercatori coinvolti, Ludovico Pedullà (Fondazione ...

30 August 2024
Spoke 02
Spoke 2 presenta un nuovo sistema di imaging medico che migliora la diagnostica per immagini

Spoke 2 presenta un nuovo sistema di imaging medico che migliora la diagnostica per immagini

Nell’ambito dello Spoke 2 di RAISE, CNR-IMATI ed Esaote S.p.A. hanno collaborato allo sviluppo di un innovativo sistema di imaging che ...

22 July 2024
Spoke 02
Bioemus: il sistema neuromorfo che ci porta verso il futuro delle protesi neurali

Bioemus: il sistema neuromorfo che ci porta verso il futuro delle protesi neurali

Michela Chiappalone (UniGe) è una ricercatrice di Spoke 2 che ha recentemente pubblicato un importante avanzamento della sua ricerca, sv...

02 July 2024
Spoke 02
L’intelligenza artificiale per l’imaging a risonanza magnetica: Esaote porta lo Spoke 2 di RAISE alla Summer School di Bologna

L’intelligenza artificiale per l’imaging a risonanza magnetica: Esaote porta lo Spoke 2 di RAISE alla Summer School di Bologna

Lo scorso 6 giugno Giulia Pinto, progettista di sequenze di risonanza magnetica in Esaote, ha partecipato alla “International Ph.D...

21 June 2024
Spoke 02
Un robot riabilitativo dotato di AI testato da Spoke 2 migliora lo studio della sclerosi multipla

Un robot riabilitativo dotato di AI testato da Spoke 2 migliora lo studio della sclerosi multipla

Hunova® è un dispositivo robotico per la riabilitazione e la valutazione senso motoria degli arti inferiori e tronco. Un recente lavoro...

20 June 2024
Spoke 02
Digital Twin e Neuronal data analysis: i risultati di Spoke 2 all’International Summer Academy BIO-X

Digital Twin e Neuronal data analysis: i risultati di Spoke 2 all’International Summer Academy BIO-X

I Digital Twin per lo sviluppo di terapie personalizzate e l’analisi dei dati neuronali sono gli argomenti trattati dalla professoressa...

10 June 2024
Spoke 02
AI-MOKa: l’intelligenza artificiale al servizio delle persone affette da sclerosi multipla

AI-MOKa: l’intelligenza artificiale al servizio delle persone affette da sclerosi multipla

Come può l’intelligenza artificiale migliorare la valutazione dell’esecuzione delle attività quotidiane?

08 May 2024
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Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise