Communication, dissemination and public engagement

Ecosistema RAISE - Comunicazione Disseminazione

Communication, dissemination and public engagement are part of a transversal programme of RAISE.

The main purposes of the programme are:
to develop an effective strategic communication plan;
to inform and engage the various stakeholders;
to raise awareness of the fundamental role of robotics and artificial intelligence in the enhancement of cities, health, environment and ports.

The working group developing this program consists of members of the staff from CNR, UNIGE, IIT, ETT and Festival della scienza .
Each Spoke nominated an internal referent for Communications who is the link between research project managers within each Spoke and the Communications Team.
The Communications Team also has the support of an external Communications Agency for the management and publication of the material produced on the website and social networks.
The collaboration among the various stakeholders involved in the programme guarantees effective communication and dissemination of ongoing activities and the results achieved, through a multi-channel strategy and a plan integrating both traditional and online media.

Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise