Spoke 2 in Spain presents challenges and future directions of monitoring in neurorehabilitation
The researchers Marianna Semprini, Florencia Garro and Indya Ceroni (IIT, Spoke 2) have attended the International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR), at La Granjain, Spain, where they presented their advances in neurorehabilitation.
In this field, accurate monitoring of limb movements, motor commands, and neural activity is essential to understand and monitor sensorimotor recovery.
The combined use of kinematics and analysis of brain and muscle activity provides clinicians and researchers with precise and objective measurements of a patient’s capabilities.
These measurements not only allow objective monitoring of progress, but also facilitate the evaluation of treatment effects and the personalization of interventions based on the individual needs of the patient.
The main next steps of this research within RAISE will be:
Creation of a working group
– Identify interested participants (clinicians, researchers, engineers, patients) to start an active collaboration and organize a kick-off meeting to define shared goals and priorities;
– Develop a plan to address the challenges identified during the workshop, such as:
Creation of user-friendly tools for data integration into clinical practice;
Design of standardized protocols for multi-site benchmarking;
Enhancement of the use of continuous biomarkers.
Analysis of existing formats and tools
– Evaluate and adapt existing formats, such as Eurobench and BIDS (Brain Imaging Data Structure), to support data standardization;
– Identify gaps and opportunities to improve data sharing and reuse among different stakeholders.
Development of guidelines and protocols
– Collaborate with experts to create practical guidelines on the use of biomarkers, kinematics and EMG (electromyography) in clinical settings.
Cover Image
Marianna Semprini (IIT, Spoke 2) at ICNR 2024
Author: Florencia Garro (IIT)
Credits: IIT and RAISE