Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment

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The RAISE project was financed by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with Investment 1.5 (M4C2) of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRPP) which envisaged the creation and strengthening of innovation ecosystems on areas of technological specialization consistent with the industrial and research vocations of the reference territory, promoting and strengthening collaboration between the research system, the production system and territorial institutions.
26 partners from Academia and Research, institutions and companies join RAISE wich is coordinated by the University of Genoa (UNIGE), the National Research Council (CNR) and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

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Raise up

RAISE up - Programma Mentorship - Spoke 5 - Ecosistema RAISE

Raise up

RAISE up is the mentorship program for teams of innovators in the RAISE ecosystem who wish to exploit the results of their research. The program supports the development of business ideas based on the results of research carried out in the context of the 4 vertical spokes of RAISE, in order to facilitate the transfer of innovative solutions to the market for the benefit of the economic and social system. The RAISE up programme is managed by RAISE Spoke 5, supported by professionals from PwC Italia and I3P – Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino.

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The RAISE project was financed by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) with Investment 1.5 (M4C2) of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRPP) which envisaged the creation and strengthening of innovation ecosystems on areas of technological specialization consistent with the industrial and research vocations of the reference territory, promoting and strengthening collaboration between the research system, the production system and territorial institutions.
26 partners from Academia and Research, institutions and companies join RAISE wich is coordinated by the University of Genoa (UNIGE), the National Research Council (CNR) and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

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RAISE aims to develop and market technological solutions based on robotic systems and artificial intelligence, responding to the real production and social needs of the Ligurian territory. The project aims to enhance and give value to research and development of these technologies in various areas of interest, including healthcare, environmental sustainability, smart ports and accessible and inclusive smart cities. RAISE focuses on the needs of people and the territory, encouraging the transfer of innovative technologies from research to the market, providing resources, knowledge and support to generate sustainable, inclusive and resilient innovation. Furthermore, the project aims to create a highly attractive ecosystem for companies, investors and researchers, both nationally and internationally.

  • The Hub is the entity responsible for the start-up, implementation, management and coordination of the Innovation Ecosystem and represents the single point of contact with the MUR: receives the tranches of concessions granted, verifies and transmits the reporting of the activities carried out by the Spokes and their affiliates.
  • The Spokes maintain an institutional role in communication and funding, particularly in impact areas. They are the primary source of information to convey specific themes based on the different actors involved in the project. Each project is generated within each Spoke where researchers, startups, SMEs, public administrations, institutions are actively involved. The Spokes are the living part of the project and represent the place where the primary objective is achieved: technological transfer to the market, moving from the laboratories to the real world of supply and demand on the market. In particular, among these, Spoke 5 acts as an intermediary between research and industry, the technologies deriving from the RAISE scientific Spokes (1-4) and companies. In addition to incubation, acceleration and training programs, Spoke 5 coordinates, develops and measures communication strategies, tactics and actions to support the HUB and the entire ecosystem.
What are Spokes?

RAISE is organized according to the Hub & Spoke governance system and it is divided into 5 areas of intervention on individual themes, dedicated to the development of innovative technologies in strategic areas for the territory (city – health – environment – port).

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Each spoke has a coordinator and a specific committee has been designated by the hub to represent the research organizations involved.


Each spoke brings together researchers from different research centers (23 affiliated public and private entities) under conjoint coordination for the implementation of the strategic plan of the ecosystem.


Spoke 03
Il Progetto NEPTUNE™ di Spoke 3, con i partner MYWAI™ e UBICA™, siglano una convenzione con l’Area Marina Protetta di Portofino

Il Progetto NEPTUNE™ di Spoke 3, con i partner MYWAI™ e UBICA™, siglano una convenzione con l’Area Marina Protetta di Portofino

Il progetto NEPTUNE™ ha siglato ad agosto una convenzione con l’Area Marina Protetta di Portofino.

11 September 2024
Spoke 01
GIANO, uno dei progetti di Spoke 1, lancia il suo sito per servizi online inclusivi rivolti ai cittadini di Genova

GIANO, uno dei progetti di Spoke 1, lancia il suo sito per servizi online inclusivi rivolti ai cittadini di Genova

Nell’ambito dello spoke 1 di RAISE, su smart city ed inclusione, è stato lanciato durante questa estate il sito web di GIANO. GIANO vu...

10 September 2024
Spoke 02
Gli importanti progressi nel progetto AI-MOKa dello spoke 2 di RAISE

Gli importanti progressi nel progetto AI-MOKa dello spoke 2 di RAISE

Il progetto AI-MOKa, dello Spoke 2 di RAISE, è stato così sintetizzato da uno dei ricercatori coinvolti, Ludovico Pedullà (Fondazione ...

30 August 2024
Spoke 05


A partire dal 3 settembre 2024 sarà disponibile il modulo 2 “Professional training for entrepreneurship in the advanced technolog...

29 August 2024
Spoke 05
Aperte le iscrizioni al corso di formazione

Aperte le iscrizioni al corso di formazione "Intelligenza artificiale e Robotica: nuove generazioni, nuove visioni" di RAISE

Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla seconda edizione del corso di formazione online gratuito “Intelligenza artificiale e Robotica: nuove gen...

28 August 2024
Spoke 04
Il progetto ROSSINI di SPOKE 4 avvia i primi test sui prototipi

Il progetto ROSSINI di SPOKE 4 avvia i primi test sui prototipi

Lo scorso 24 luglio presso il PT0 del DiFi-UniGE si sono svolti i primi test di ROSSINI, un progetto dello Spoke 4 di RAISE per migliorar...

26 August 2024
Spoke 04
Le Voci delle Porto: inizia la campagna di raccolta dati del progetto di Spoke 4

Le Voci delle Porto: inizia la campagna di raccolta dati del progetto di Spoke 4

Al via la campagna di raccolta dati del progetto dello Spoke 4 di RAISE che sfrutta le tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale per la sicu...

08 August 2024
Spoke 01
Spoke 1 presenta un nuovo metodo di misurazione e monitoraggio per la città inclusiva del futuro

Spoke 1 presenta un nuovo metodo di misurazione e monitoraggio per la città inclusiva del futuro

Lo Spoke 1 ha elaborato un metodo che costituisce una novità nell’ambito della letteratura internazionale sulla metodologia di ricerca...

02 August 2024
Spoke 03
L’ecorobotica marina in azione: la prima campagna di acquisizione di parametri ambientali per il progetto NEPTUNE™

L’ecorobotica marina in azione: la prima campagna di acquisizione di parametri ambientali per il progetto NEPTUNE™

Nei giorni 19 e 20 luglio si è svolta la prima campagna di acquisizione dati oceanografici del sito archeologico subacqueo denominato re...

01 August 2024
Spoke 05
Aperte le iscrizioni al corso di formazione “Competenze di e-leadership per una gestione digitale e consapevole” di RAISE

Aperte le iscrizioni al corso di formazione “Competenze di e-leadership per una gestione digitale e consapevole” di RAISE

Sono aperte le iscrizioni al corso di formazione “Competenze di e-leadership per una gestione digitale e consapevole”, Piano 2 del pr...

30 July 2024
Spoke 03
I modelli 4D di relitti marini presenti sui fondali della Sicilia al centro del progetto Neptune™ di Spoke 3

I modelli 4D di relitti marini presenti sui fondali della Sicilia al centro del progetto Neptune™ di Spoke 3

In Sicilia, prende il via NEPTUNE (Neural Rendering & Edge AI Platform for 4d synthetic Twins generation during Underwater Navigation...

25 July 2024
A Padova un incontro fra gli 11 Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione

A Padova un incontro fra gli 11 Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione

Giunti ad oltre metà del percorso previsto dal PNRR, gli 11 Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione costituiti a livello nazionale si sono inc...

24 July 2024
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Calls and Tenders

The RAISE project, financed by the MUR with Investment 1.5 (M4C2), promotes a scheme based on cascade grands to support small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and other entities interested in the Hub’s themes and the topics covered by the Spokes. The cascading calls, activated by the Spokes, are issued for the recruitment of researchers and technologists, for funding external entities for research activities consistent with the program, as well as for the purchase of supplies, goods and services.

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Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise