RAISE: towards the future of innovation. The RAISE conference at Genoa Science Festival

18 October 2024
RAISE: towards the future of innovation. The RAISE conference at Genoa Science Festival

The conference entitled “RAISE: towards the future of innovation: Results and prospects of the Ligurian ecosystem” will take place on Friday 25 October at 4:45pm in the Maggior Consiglio room of Palazzo Ducale in Genoa.

RAISE is back at Genoa Science Festival to talk about the evolution of its projects and how hypotheses and ideas are transforming into innovation and technology at the service of cities, health, the environment and ports.

Barbara Alemanni, President of RAISE, will be the first to go on stage to present RAISE and the results obtained during last year.

Subsequently, Cristina Battaglia, programme manager of RAISE together with the coordinators of the 5 Spoke, Michela Spagnuolo, Lorenzo de Michieli, Marco Faimali, Davide Giglio and Andrea Pagnin, will introduce the RAISE researchers who will tell the public about the results obtained so far focusing on the advancement of robotics and artificial intelligence projects and their technological transfer.

In the second part of the conference we will look at the future of the RAISE ecosystem: Nicoletta Amodio, Member of the Board of Directors of the National Research Council, Federico Delfino, Rector of the University of Genoa and Giorgio Metta, Scientific Director of the Italian Institute of Technology, will discuss the prospects for the future, to exploit the knowledge and technologies developed as a driving force for innovation for our territory to be taken as a model at a national level.

In conclusion, Marco Faimali will present the RAISE Village, where every day it will be possible to participate in demonstrations, attend talks and round tables and get to know the people involved in RAISE and the innovative technologies developed up close and the RAISE the FUTURE event, a guest project of ROMA PHOTOGRAFIA – FUTURE where, together with artificial intelligence, images were created to describe the projects of the Innovation Ecosystem and its various areas of interest.

Finally Andrea Pagnin will give everyone the appointment for the next edition of Robot Valley in April 2025.

The conference program is at this link.

Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise