On october 29th from the stage of the talk area of the RAISE Village, Cosimo Palmisano, Head of Business Development of WSense presented a conference entitled “WMission: Robotics and IoT for underwater monitoring”.
The objective of the talk was to give an overview of the WMission project and its progress more than 6 months after its start. WMission, a Spoke 3 project, aims to create wireless coordination networks for the use of underwater robots.
The activities carried out with the industrial partner Arena Sub were illustrated to identify the application scenarios regarding the use of underwater robots, the system architecture and the integration interfaces between robots and WSense wireless communication.
A 3D simulation of the mission re-programming process was also presented aimed at recreating the operating conditions that will be implemented in the demonstrator in the coming months. The simulation allows us to recreate the operating conditions in which a robot, which follows a predetermined route (also called discovery route), receives new packets as soon as it is within range of one or more WNodes of the WSense wireless network.” mission” from WNodes within its acoustic communication range and reschedules its activities without having to surface.
“For WSense and for its partner Arena Sub, being part of this type of project like RAISE, in particular Spoke 3 dealing with robotics and AI, is very important because first of all it was born in an area like Liguria which makes the sea one of the main economic activities. This is a project that aims to optimize what is the Blue Economy and it is essential for us to have partners who allow us to have the possibility of carrying out operations and tests in areas that are used to develop with infrastructures. The more ability and possibility we have to operate at sea, in such innovative projects, the faster we will be in collecting data and providing information to those who then have to make decisions on the Blue Economy and the sustainability of the sea” commented Cosimo Palmisano at the end of his talk.
Special thanks to Michele Nati, Director Special Projects in WSense and Project Manager of the WMission project, Pippo Arena, CEO of Arena Sub supplier of underwater robots (partner of the project).