RAISE up 2: the inaugural webinar of the second edition

On March 10, 2025, the webinar “RAISE up 2: Mentorship & Community in a Shared Journey” took place, marking the launch of the second edition of the RAISE up Mentorship Program.

Promoted by Spoke 5 of RAISE Liguria, with the support of PwC Italy and I3P – Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, the event provided an opportunity to meet the selected teams and learn about the initiatives in the program, emphasizing the value of being part of the RAISE up community.

The event began with an overview of the strategic objectives of the RAISE project and the main activities of the first edition of the mentorship program. It was a chance to revisit key moments of the first edition and understand the impact the program had on the startups and SMEs involved.

In particular, Lorenzo Landolfi and Andrea Senacheribbe, members of the InSEGNO team, shared their experience from the first edition of RAISEup, offering valuable advice and useful insights to participants of the second edition.

The importance of the RAISE up community was also emphasized, as it offers participants numerous advantages, including access to advanced technologies, networking, specialized skills, and opportunities for collaboration with external partners. The Company Innovation Survey was also introduced, a tool designed to assess the innovation maturity of SMEs and facilitate the collection of best practices.

The inaugural webinar then featured the presentation of the 13 teams selected for the second edition of RAISE up, who will have the opportunity to participate in strategic events designed to support them at different stages of their development.

The event calendar represents opportunities for growth and interaction with experts and community members, fostering learning and skill development.

In conclusion, the second edition of the RAISE up Program proves to be a valuable opportunity for the participating startups and SMEs, providing them with the necessary tools to innovate, grow, and become part of a dynamic and supportive community.

Published the ranking of candidates admitted to P3 – OFFICINAE RAISE 2024/2025

The University of Genoa has published the ranking for participation in the P3 | OFFICINAE RAISE program for the academic year 2024/2025, coordinated by Spoke 5 of RAISE and aimed at students with a strong interest in entrepreneurship, innovation, and robotics.

Candidates were selected based on criteria related to their academic background, relevant experiences, and innovative proposals submitted.

40 candidates have been admitted with RAISE funding, while additional spots are available for participants without RAISE funding, who will still have access to the courses and Bootcamps at their own expense.

For more information on the ranking P3 | OFFICINAE RAISE, please visit this link.

RAISE up: new section online and opening webinar of the second edition

The new section of the RAISE website dedicated to the RAISE up mentorship project is now online. It provides an overview of the recently concluded first edition and introduces the second edition, which will kick off on March 10, 2025, with the opening webinar: Mentorship & Community in a shared path.

The webinar marks the official start of the second edition of the program, offering an opportunity to discover the selected teams and the initiatives planned. It will be a key moment to understand the value of being part of the RAISE up Community and to explore the benefits of belonging to an innovation ecosystem.

The first edition of the RAISE up program involved 12 teams selected for their ability to develop innovative solutions. Participants benefited from one-to-one mentorship sessions and four key events, including three in-person and one online, which marked the growth path of the solutions.

The program guided the teams through the crucial stages of technology transfer, from refining the innovative idea to defining business models and strategic and financial aspects, addressing challenges related to interaction with the world of business and investment.

RAISE up is a program designed for the teams of innovators within the RAISE ecosystem who wish to enhance the results of their research. Aimed at promoting the development of entrepreneurial ideas based on research conducted within RAISE’s four vertical spokes, the program fosters the transfer of innovative solutions to the market, with a positive impact on the economic and social system.

The second edition will also be led by Spoke 5 of RAISE, supported by professionals from PwC Italy and I3P – Politecnico di Torino Incubator.

Launch of P7 – Advanced AI & Robotics Applications4SMEs: a training course for SMEs

The P7 – Advanced AI & Robotics Applications4SMEs course is now available for free. This course is part of the RAISE Training Program, coordinated by RAISE Spoke 5.

The course is designed for professionals and managers of SMEs in the ICT sector, who need entrepreneurial and managerial skills to drive business growth. It is also aimed at SMEs that use or plan to adopt artificial intelligence and robotics technologies, with the goal of rethinking and optimizing their operational processes.

For more details on the course structure: course details

You can also directly access the following modules:
Module 1 – Business strategy and innovation
Module 2 – Introduction of advanced AI and robotics tools and process redesign

At the end of each module, participants will take a knowledge assessment test. Upon passing, they will receive a RAISE Open Badge, recognizing their newly acquired skills.
Additionally, in-person meetings will be organized to foster dialogue between the research community and innovative businesses.

For more information, please contact formazione.raise@unige.it.

The second edition of RAISE up kicks off: mentorship & community for a shared journey

On Thursday, February 20, 2025, the second edition of RAISE up will officially begin. This Mentorship Program is promoted within Spoke 5 of the RAISE project, with the support of PwC Italia and I3P – Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino.

The initiative is aimed at innovation teams within the RAISE ecosystem, with the goal of enhancing research results and facilitating the transfer of innovative solutions to the market, thereby contributing to the economic and social growth of the system.

The first initiative that will actively involve the Community will be an inaugural webinar on March 10, open to all interested stakeholders. It will be an opportunity to meet the selected teams and learn more about the opportunities offered by the RAISE up community.

The event will take place online from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM and will feature the participation of professionals and industry experts.

The Objectives of RAISE up
The program is designed to provide researchers with practical tools to transform their ideas into sustainable entrepreneurial solutions, combining a curiosity-driven approach with a market-oriented vision. Key objectives include:
– Enhancing research: supporting researchers in developing their innovative solutions.
– Developing sustainable business models: encouraging technology transfer and maximizing the value of innovations developed within RAISE spokes.
– Fostering innovation in businesses: creating synergies between research and the market to facilitate technology transfer.
– Sustainable development of the Ligurian entrepreneurial landscape: promoting regional excellence by actively involving key players in the innovation ecosystem.

Program benefits
Participants will have access to a structured pathway that includes:
– Developing skills to maximize the value of their innovative solutions.
– Understanding the market potential of their entrepreneurial ideas.
– Personalized mentorship, with support from industry experts and a network of specialized professionals.

Webinar agenda
The inaugural event will be structured around three key moments:
– 11:00 AM – Webinar Introduction: Opening remarks and presentation of the program’s objectives.
– 11:05 AM – RAISE up Edition 1: Overview of the first edition with key data and testimonials.
– 11:20 AM – RAISE up 2: Details of the new edition: presentation of the selected teams, and participation guidelines.
– 11:50 AM – Q&A and Closing Remarks: Space for questions and final acknowledgments.

How to participate
The event is open to all stakeholders in the Ligurian ecosystem interested in supporting the innovative solutions developed by the participating teams. To register, please fill out the form available at this link.
A unique opportunity to become part of the RAISE up community and actively contribute to the development of the innovation ecosystem in Liguria.

Imparare a contrattare, si è concluso il workshop in Mastering Negotiation del modulo P1 della RAISE Academy

Nelle giornate del 6 e 7 febbraio 2025 si è svolto presso il Talent Garden di Genova il workshop interattivo “Mastering Negotiation: Dall’Apprendimento Teorico all’Interazione Pratica” inserito nel terzo e ultimo modulo “Capabilities4Innovation and knowledge transfer management” di P1 – RAISE Knowledge Transfer & Entrepreneurship Academy, uno dei percorsi formativi previsti nell’ambito del Training Program di RAISE coordinato dallo Spoke 5.

Durante le giornate di workshop sono stati approfonditi e messi in pratica gli strumenti e gli apprendimenti teorici appresi durante le lezioni del modulo “Capacità trasversali per l’innovazione e il trasferimento di conoscenze”, corso teorico di 10 ore sulle soft skills quali capacità di ascolto, capacità analitiche, analisi del contesto, abilità comunicative, controllo delle emozioni e problem solving, capacità e abilità che aiutano il processo di negoziazione.

In presenza i partecipanti si sono esercitati con role play sul poligono negoziale e sulla zona possibile di accordo. Hanno potuto sperimentare concretamente come applicare strumenti, approcci e tecniche di negoziazione nella loro vita quotidiana, riflettendo su come portare quest’esperienza nel mondo della ricerca.

A guidare l’esperienza caratterizzata da forte interattività e grande apertura alla condivisone e a mettersi in gioco sono stati la Dott.ssa, Barbara Galli, esperta del settore nonché master partner di Day One Network e coach professionista, e Giorgio De Sario, founder di Day One Network.

Workshop in Mastering Negotiation del modulo P1 della RAISE Academy

Ciascuno dei partecipanti ha contribuito al processo negoziale messo in scena nei role play portando idee e prospettive peculiari del proprio background professionale e delle proprie caratteristiche personologiche, consentendo di arricchire la visione degli altri di comportamenti efficaci possibili.

Il workshop interattivo “Mastering negotiation: dall’Apprendimento teorico all’interazione pratica” è realizzato in collaborazione con Dayone e TalentUp.

Al termine della fruizione del terzo modulo, i partecipanti hanno ottenuto un open badge per la formazione su piattaforma e uno per il workshop in presenza. 

Training for PhD Students in AI and Robotics: P8 – BOOSTING PhD STUDENTS’ CAREER

As part of the RAISE Training Program, the P8 – BOOSTING PhD STUDENTS’ CAREER project, coordinated by Spoke 5, offers a series of cross-disciplinary training activities aimed at PhD students in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the University of Genoa.

The initiative aims to complement disciplinary skills with specific knowledge for scientific research and transversal skills, essential for facilitating entry into the job market.

The program is open to PhD students from the XXXVIII, XXXIX, and XXXX cycles, involving over 1,000 students. The offered courses aim to develop skills useful for interdisciplinary collaboration, scientific communication, effective project management, and problem-solving, thereby improving career prospects in both academia and industry.

Training Modules on Soft Skills
The project includes four courses specifically dedicated to developing soft skills, fundamental tools for tackling challenges in research and innovation.

1. Theatrical Techniques for Scientific Presentation
Instructor: Prof. Antonio Sgorbissa (antonio.sgorbissa@unige.it)
Total hours: 12
Description: This course provides students with concepts and techniques to effectively prepare and deliver a scientific conference presentation, utilizing voice, body, and space.
Exam: Preparation of a presentation and participation in a short theatrical performance.
Location: Villa Bonino, DIBRIS (Viale Causa 13)
– May 6, 2025 (09:00-12:00)
– May 13, 2025 (09:00-12:00)
– June 9, 2025 (09:00-12:00)
– June 16, 2025 (09:00-12:00)
Registration: Enroll here

2. Open Science and Research Data Management (OS&RDM)
Instructors: Dr. Valentina Pasquale (valentina.pasquale@iit.it), Dr. Anna Maria Pastorini (annamp@unige.it)
Total hours: 10
Description: Introduction to the principles of scientific communication, Open Science, and research data management, with a focus on reproducibility and scientific integrity.
Exam: Multiple-choice test and/or practical activities, such as drafting a data management plan.
Location and Schedule:
– February 10-14, 2025 (10:00-12:00), various classrooms at the University of Genoa
– Lessons also available online via Office 365 Teams
Registration: Enroll here

3. Effective Habits and Skills for Successful Young Scientists
Instructor: Prof. Fabio Roli (fabio.roli@unige.it)
Total hours: 20
Description: This course offers practical strategies for young scientists, including time management, scientific writing, and presentation techniques, based on proven methodologies.
Exam: Written assessment with open-ended questions.
Location: Online via Office 365 Teams (code: 145m0pn)
– June 23-27, 2025 (09:00-13:00)
Registration: Enroll here

4. Grant Writing
Instructor: Dr. Cinzia Leone (cinzia.leone@iit.it)
Total hours: 12
Description: Introduction to the design and management of funding proposals, with a particular focus on European programs such as Horizon Europe.
Exam: Development of a project proposal with a simulated submission process.
Location: University of Genoa (TBA)
– October 6, 2025 (09:00-13:00)
– October 8, 2025 (09:00-13:00)
– October 10, 2025 (09:00-13:00)
Registration: Enroll here

For further information, students can contact the instructors of the respective courses directly.

The second edition of the basic course for public administrations, as part of the Spoke 5 Training Program

After the success and positive feedback from a wide variety of public administrations, the second edition of the basic course is underway “Introduction to digital transformation and its role in the PA”, of the P5 – AI for Public Administration project, organized as part of the RAISE Training Program and coordinated by Spoke 5.

The course aims to introduce participants to artificial intelligence and robotics in public administration, outlining fundamental principles, practical applications and organizational, ethical and legal implications.

The training course is available on the RAISE aulaweb platform.

The registration key is: CORSOBASEPA

The online course, based on recorded video, lasts 10 hours and is completely free. An Open Badge will be issued at the end of the course.

Read more about the course and how to take it at this link.

To explore the overall offer of free courses of RAISE, consult the section of the site.

Technology and Business Meet at the RAISE up Pitch Day

On January 29, 2025, the RAISE up Pitch Day took place at the Auditorium Hall of the Genoa Aquarium, marking the final event of the first edition of the RAISE up Mentorship Program.

This initiative, promoted under Spoke 5 of the RAISE project with the support of PwC Italy and I3P – the Incubator of the Polytechnic University of Turin, served as a significant opportunity for dialogue among businesses, investors, and stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem.

The event opened with a speech by Andrea Pagnin, leader of Spoke 5, who emphasized the importance of dialogue between the research and business sectors, highlighting the strategic role of mentorship programs like RAISE up in fostering connections and growth opportunities.

Cristina Battaglia, RAISE Programme Manager, followed by reaffirming the value of technology transfer as a key driver for innovation and economic development.

Institutional greetings were delivered by Alessio Piana, Delegate Councilor for Economic Development of the Liguria Region, and Laura Gaggero, Delegate Councilor for Innovation and Cybersecurity of the Municipality of Genoa, both expressing their support for initiatives aimed at strengthening the local innovation ecosystem.

One of the most anticipated moments of the day was the keynote speech by Guest Speaker Luca Rossettini, introduced by Andrea Manchelli, Partner at PwC.

In his address, the Founder and CEO of D-Orbit, a leading company in space logistics and sustainability, shared his entrepreneurial experience, focusing on the challenges and opportunities related to scaling technological solutions. He also underscored the crucial role of sustainability as a driver of innovation, emphasizing the importance of transforming unexpected events, mistakes, and even failures into strategic opportunities—an essential element for a successful entrepreneurial journey.

Following this, Miriam Molinari, Project Manager of Spoke 5, along with Luca Passoni, Director at PwC, presented the RAISE up Mentorship Program, outlining its objectives and achievements. They also introduced the panel of experts tasked with evaluating the pitches of the participating teams, officially marking the start of the project presentations.

The panel consisted of:
– Francesco Rossi, Fondo Tech Transfer CDP VC
– Stefano Peronicini, Eureka! Venture SGR
– Matteo Bonfanti, Kairos Partners SGR
– Emilia Garito, Deep Ocean Capital SGR SPA
– Elga Corricelli, LifeGate Way

The second part of the event was entirely dedicated to the presentation of twelve innovative solutions, preceded by an introduction from the RAISE spoke leaders: Michela Spagnuolo (CNR, Spoke 1 – Inclusive Technologies for Urban Experience Transformation), Lorenzo De Michieli (IIT, Spoke 2 – Smart Solutions for the Healthcare Sector), Marco Faimali (CNR, Spoke 3 – Eco-Robotics for Environmental Protection), and Giovanni Satta (UniGe, Spoke 4, representing Davide Giglio – Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for the Maritime and Port Sector).

The following solutions were presented:
LUCA: An EduTech platform based on Artificial Intelligence for the accessibility of educational content in Italian Sign Language (LIS). Through an AI avatar, it offers lessons and exercises accessible to deaf students, bridging the gap in educational materials and reducing reliance on interpreters.
SMART GATE VISION: An automated infrastructure for managing access in port and logistics areas. Utilizing AI-powered video technology, the system identifies IMO plates in real time and detects container damage, enhancing accuracy, security, and operational efficiency. Integration with Aitek’s SESAMO platform is planned.
EVA NAVI: An advanced surgical navigation system that provides dynamic visualization of patient images, overcoming the limitations of traditional sight. It supports surgeons in intraoperative decision-making, reducing stress, errors, and costs of complex procedures.
RESCAPING ECOSYSTEMS THROUGH 3D-PRINTED REEFS FROM RECYCLED MOLLUSK SHELLS: A project aimed at restoring marine ecosystems through 3D-printed artificial reefs made from waste materials from mollusk farming. This innovative solution improves marine biodiversity, water quality, and the ocean’s ability to absorb CO₂.
AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOT FOR SURVEILLANCE, MONITORING, AND OPERATIONS: An autonomous driving system for mobile robots used in industrial and agricultural surveillance and monitoring. The robotic fleet operates 24/7, identifying anomalies and threats with high precision and reliability, reducing risks for human personnel.
MYCOTECH WINE: An aerobiological soil monitoring system for protecting and optimizing wine production. By using natural microorganisms, it helps prevent vine diseases, counteracting the negative effects of climate change and improving vineyard yields.
AETHER: An advanced air and pollutant environmental monitoring platform. Through a combination of fixed stations and drone fleets, it provides accurate and safe analysis in industrial and agricultural areas, optimizing detection efficiency.
PIEZO-AI: An advanced prosthesis with highly sensitive tactile sensors. Using piezoelectric technology, it offers a more natural tactile experience, improving acceptance and use among amputees.
HTS+: An innovative device based on a sensorized glove for automatic and non-invasive assessment of cognitive and motor frailty. Using Artificial Intelligence, it analyzes fine hand movements, providing a more precise and standardized diagnosis than traditional methods.
ULTRAUP: Advanced software for real-time super-resolution of 2D/3D ultrasound images and videos. It enhances visual quality and acquisition frequency while preserving anatomical features, optimizing diagnostic support for healthcare professionals.
VERA: A deep learning model for detecting, diagnosing, and automatically segmenting aero-digestive tract tumor lesions. The system supports otolaryngologists in endoscopic procedures, selecting key frames and characterizing lesions in real time.
URBAN3D: An urban Digital Twin system that generates 3D city models for identifying architectural barriers and optimizing accessibility. This innovative technology simplifies urban data analysis and management, improving the quality of life for vulnerable groups.

At the conclusion of the event, closing remarks were followed by a networking aperitif at the Shark Hall of the Genoa Aquarium. This informal moment allowed participants to explore collaboration opportunities, facilitating dialogue among businesses, investors, and companies interested in adopting new technologies.

The success of this first edition of the RAISE up Pitch Day confirmed the relevance of initiatives that promote technology transfer and the growth of the innovation ecosystem. The RAISE up program has proven to be an effective catalyst for bridging research and the market, creating tangible opportunities for the future of innovation in Italy.

The next edition is set to begin in March 2025, featuring new teams of innovators selected within the RAISE ecosystem.

“Future scenarios: advantages and challenges of using artificial intelligence in public administration”: the P5 workshop

On January 24, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, the workshop titled “Future scenarios: advantages and challenges of using Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration” took place at the Aula Meridiana of the University of Genoa, Via Balbi 5. The event saw broad participation, particularly from public sector employees.

The workshop was an in-depth exploration of Plan 1 of the P5 | AI FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION project, one of the training programs included in the RAISE Training Program, coordinated by Spoke 5.

“The “Future scenarios: advantages and challenges of using Artificial Intelligence” workshop was the result of careful planning following the success of the video-recorded course of Plan 1 of the P5 RAISE project. This training session was designed to provide participants with the opportunity to directly engage with course instructors, ask questions, and receive answers from industry experts, deepening their understanding of the topics covered. We are pleased that many enrolled participants chose to attend the workshop. We believe that Artificial Intelligence is a central issue today and will have a significant impact on society, including Public Administration”.

Luca Gandullia, Professor of Public Finance at the University of Genoa, introduced the workshop with these words, highlighting how it facilitated the interaction between viewers of the Plan 1 video lectures of RAISE and the instructors, allowing for discussions and deeper insights into the topics covered.

Scenari futuri vantaggi e sfide utilizzo Intelligenza Artificiale nella Pubblica Amministrazione Workshop P5 Training Program Raise

The instructors were able to address the most frequently raised questions that emerged during the video sessions, with the mediation of RAISE consultant Simona Tirasso, and engage in direct dialogue with participants during the Q&A session.

The first panel, focused on technical aspects, featured Professors Enrico Di Bella, Luca Oneto and Rodolfo Zunino, who explained the workings of Artificial Intelligence, its practical applications, and innovative solutions for Public Administration. A key topic of discussion was cybersecurity, a major concern that has long hindered AI adoption due to its critical vulnerabilities.

In the second part of the event, lawyer Michele Moriello and Professors Edmondo Mostacci and Matteo Timo led the legal panel, sharing their expertise on the legal and judicial implications of AI use.

Participants particularly emphasized the challenges associated with this new technology, especially regarding privacy, a complex and sensitive issue.

The discussion also covered the AI Act, the European regulation on Artificial Intelligence, which was thoroughly explained during the video lectures, along with its impact at the national level.

Scenari futuri vantaggi e sfide utilizzo Intelligenza Artificiale nella Pubblica Amministrazione Workshop P5 Training Program Raise

The training day concluded with a panel on organizational impact, featuring Professors Marcello Montefiori and Fabrizio Bracco, along with lawyer Michele Moriello. The speakers analyzed how AI affects the structure and organization of Public Administrations, focusing on its benefits, ethical considerations, and applications in the healthcare sector.

The discussions explored which aspects and processes of Public Administration benefit most from AI, as well as the potential impact of AI on human labor and social structures—a topic that continues to raise concerns among AI skeptics.

Professor Montefiori, an expert in AI’s role in healthcare, discussed the potential benefits of AI in the medical field.

The workshop proved to be a valuable moment of discussion, offering deeper insights into key issues shaping the future of public administrations.

Thanks to the active participation of instructors and attendees, the event successfully integrated the online learning format with a productive and engaging in-person dialogue.

Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise