The prototype data sharing platform of Spoke 5 presented at GenOA Open Access Week 2024

At the GenOA Open Access Week 2024, held from November 4 to 8, 2024, with events both in person in Genoa and online, the prototype of an innovative platform for data sharing and publication developed by Spoke 5 was presented. This platform is designed to facilitate the sharing of data across all Spokes within the RAISE ecosystem.

The project aims to centralize and simplify access to research data generated in various scientific fields, embodying the fundamental principles of open science.

The presentation, titled Open Access Platform of the Ligurian RAISE Ecosystem, was part of the session on research infrastructures, organized by the National Research Council (CNR) at the Blue Room of the Research Area in Genoa.

Built on the D4SCIENCE infrastructure, this platform is designed to publish data generated by the different RAISE research Spokes, while ensuring compatibility and seamless integration with other systems. This approach reflects RAISE’s commitment to open, interoperable, and reusable data, promoting broader access to research findings.

To create a platform that facilitates smooth data sharing at both the national and European levels, technologies capable of “communicating” easily with each other were chosen. This approach relies on D-CAT, a widely used standard for organizing and describing data catalogs, which ensures compatibility with existing systems.
The platform was developed in collaboration with the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI – CNR) in Pisa, using the D4SCIENCE infrastructure. Thanks to this technology and the contributions of the various RAISE research sectors, it was possible to create an initial prototype that flexibly and interoperably meets the needs of the scientific community.

This collaborative effort represents a significant step towards creating a dynamic and open-access environment for the RAISE research community, paving the way for future developments in the availability and usability of scientific data in Liguria and beyond.

GenOA Week 2024 is organized by the University of Genoa, IIT (Italian Institute of Technology), INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics), CNR (National Research Council), and AIB Liguria (Italian Library Association – Liguria Section), under the patronage of the Italian Library Association.

For more information:

Twelve RAISE teams and innovative solutions at the center of the “Innovation Showcase” event of RAISE up

On Monday 28 October 2024, inside the RAISE Village at the Cisterne di Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, the first event of the RAISE up mentorship program took place, promoted by Spoke 5 of RAISE and supported by PwC Italia and I3P – “Incubatore del Politecnico di Torino”.

The Innovation Showcase was a day dedicated to innovation, with the aim of encouraging the connection between companies and researchers.

Entrepreneurs, financiers and company managers, from Liguria but also from other regions, were able to meet the groups of researchers, who are working on 12 innovative solutions, selected for the RAISE up program.

On this day, these 12 teams had the opportunity to present their innovative solutions, divided into four specific areas:
1. Design of inclusive technologies to redesign the urban experience
2. Intelligent technologies for the healthcare of the future
3. Ecorobotics at the service of the environment
4. Navigating the future: robotics and AI at the service of ports and the maritime industry

As highlighted by the spoke leader of spoke 5, Andrea Pagnin (IIT), the twelve teams were selected out of 180 and this program is a great opportunity to transform their research results into start-ups, patents and licenses.

The event achieved the expected objectives, as the project manager, Miriam Molinari, commented with satisfaction, both for the excellent turnout of participants and for the networking and creative exchange activities that took place between researchers, entrepreneurs, financiers and ecosystem players during the day. The teams “trained to tell their innovative solutions to people who are not in their sector” the day was in fact structured in two moments, during the morning the guests were accompanied to the team corners in the room to listen to the story of the posters and prototypes presented while the afternoon was dedicated to one-to-one, to evaluate in detail any joint tests, partnerships and other future activities.

An important day for RAISE up, intense and full of meetings, aimed at realizing that crucial passage from research to the market and therefore making technology transfer possible, which is one of the main objectives of Spoke 5 and the RAISE ecosystem.

After the success of this first event in the context of the Science Festival 2024, the RAISE up program will soon return with a second event open to the public, in less than a month, on November 25th.

“A heretical point of view on artificial intelligence” the Spoke 5 talk at the inaugural day of the RAISE Village

On the inaugural day of the RAISE Village on October 26th Annalisa Barla and Alessandro Verri of Spoke 5 (UniGe) presented their talk “A heretical point of view on artificial intelligence” on the issues of ethics in the field of artificial intelligence.

During the talk the researchers offered the public a critical reflection on AI, questioning some of the most widespread ideas about this technology, starting from the first systems based on exact rules up to modern models that learn from experience. The journey highlights the often overlooked limitations of AI: many models reveal correlations without explaining causality, and the accuracy of the results depends heavily on the availability of large amounts of data.

A particular focus was dedicated to the use of AI in medicine, where expectations must be confronted with practical complexities. The objective is to offer a more aware look at AI, understood not only as a technology, but as a phenomenon with ethical and practical implications of great importance.

“In this historical moment everyone is interested in the discussion on artificial intelligence. There is great excitement and from my point of view it is very interesting because I have been dealing with it for many years but I have only recently been able to talk about it in public.
There are also strong preconceptions, in the sense that users have beliefs about how this thing works. In my opinion, however, it is very nice to try to explain how these things really work because it is possible to change preconceptions a little and perhaps to open up interest in this topic even more. I am very happy!” comments Annalisa Barla, associate professor of the Department of computer science, bioengineering, robotics and systems engineering at the University of Genoa.

“It was an opportunity to show the amazing feats of artificial intelligence in everyday life. There are some aspects, not so much danger, but let’s say, pitfalls of this technology that are not always talked about. Perhaps because those who develop this technology focus on the aspects that have a market. Some things that we tried to discuss together this evening denote the intrinsic limits of these technologies which are unavoidable due to how they are built and how they work. We can hardly imagine that they can be done in a different way from how they are done now” added Alessandro Verri Vice Department Director Department of computer science, bioengineering, robotics and systems engineering at the University of Genoa.

Five new RAISE P4 digital citizenship training courses are online

Five new RAISE citizenship training courses are available online: free, interactive online courses to be followed in asynchronous mode.

The RAISE digital citizenship training courses are online, free and interactive training courses, which award 1 CFU and a final open badge, focused on robotics and artificial intelligence skills applied to different disciplinary areas.

The courses were developed by teachers from the University of Genoa, with the support of innovative teaching experts, within the P4 – Basic AI & Robotics Skills at University Level project, one of the training courses provided within the Training Program of RAISE, coordinated by Spoke 5.

These courses are aimed at students from the University of Genoa with the objective of increasing awareness and autonomy in the use of advanced digital technologies.
The teaching proposal is innovative and diversified: 23 courses available online, accessible in asynchronous mode and organized into basic, intermediate and advanced levels, based on the level of previous preparation: the lessons are delivered via interactive videos on the dedicated RAISE Aulaweb platform.
Each course is divided into short teaching modules, quizzes, games, exercises and self-learning.
At the end of each course, an Open Badge will be issued to all participants, and for UniGe students 1 CFU will also be recognized to be included among the additional credits.

The new courses available are:
Algorithms and Public Administration: civil protection
basic level course
Layout of scientific texts using LaTeX language
basic level course
Technologies and robotics at the service of inclusion at school and university
basic level course
Synergistic approaches between meteorological modeling and AI aimed at improving meteorological forecasts
advanced level course
Data science in a nutshell
pilot course

On the website UniGe all the information and all the courses in the catalogue.

On Tuesday 29 October at 12.00 inside the RAISE Village at the Science Festival at the Cisterne del Ducale there will be a dedicated information event entitled “The RAISE digital citizenship training courses” during which the courses will be presented to the public and it will be possible to respond to questions and requests.

At this link the complete program of the RAISE Village.

The success of the Summer School for Public Administration, as part of the Spoke 5 training program

As part of the P5 -A I FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION project, within the RAISE Training Plan program, in September, the first edition of Plan 2 of the training project took place in three Ligurian locations: E-leadership skills for digital and aware management – The Three-Year Plan for IT: initiatives to support and increase the digital skills of RTD and staff in the context of the digital transition.

The course was held in person on September 13, 2024 in Imperia in the classrooms of the Imperia University Center, on September 20 in La Spezia in room 11 “Torrione” of the La Spezia University Campus – Promostudi and on September 27 in Genoa in the Sala del Bergamasco of the Chamber of Commerce.

Ecosistema RAISE - Summer School Pubblica Amministrazione - Programma di training Spoke 5 - La Spezia - Liguria
Training event of plan 2 of the P5|AI FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION training project in La Spezia, at classroom 11 “Torrione” of the La Spezia University Campus – Promostudi on September 20, 2024 | Author: Simona Tirasso (Spoke 5, UniGe) | Credits: UniGe and RAISE

The Summer School organized by UniGe had the objective of:
– disseminating the key elements of the actions identified;
– transferring a culture of change to facilitate the triggering of virtuous processes;
– providing participants with tools and operational examples to support, within their own organizations, human resources development processes;
– sharing reflections on the topic of E-Leadership skills.

During the courses, which were designed with a very practical and operational approach, reflections were also initiated on the role of Digital Transition Managers (RTD). The figure of the RTD is central within the Administration, as a driver of change and innovation processes.

The training event had a limited number of participants, a total of 79 people were able to take part, from different types of public administrations. Out of 79 participants, 12 were managers. Most of the participants were women for the days held in Genoa and Imperia, with a prevalence of men for the course held in La Spezia.

Ecosistema RAISE - Summer School Pubblica Amministrazione - Programma di training Spoke 5 - Imperia - Liguria
Training event of plan 2 of the P5-AI FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION training project in Imperia, at the classrooms of the Imperia University Campus on September 13, 2024 | Author: Simona Tirasso (Spoke 5, UniGe) | Credits: UniGe and RAISE

The applications have clearly exceeded the availability of places, for the Genoa and La Spezia locations, demonstrating great interest from the public administration.

The second edition of the Summer School in presence is scheduled for the summer of 2025.

More information about the course is available in the Training section and at this link.


Cover Image
Participants of the event E-leadership skills for digital and conscious management in Genoa
Author: Simona Tirasso (Spoke 5, UniGe)
Credits: UniGe and RAISE

RAISE Academy: professional training for entrepreneurship in the advanced technology sector

The second module of the RAISE Knowledge Transfer & Entrepreneurship Academy, part of Training Plan coordinated by Spoke 5, is concluded.

The two-day workshop, held on October 3rd and 4th at Giardini Baltimora in Genoa, was structured as a ‘behind-the-scenes’ of a Call4Ideas. Investors and founders, the two sides of the investment process, discussed the processes of the valutation of an innovative project to invest in.

Simone Valorani, head of strategy & operations at Scientifica Venture Capital, chaired the workshop that saw the attence of twenty RAISE’s researchers eager to expand their knowledge on the issues of using research results and entrepreneurship in the deep-tech field. Scientifica Venture Capital is an investment holding company selecting technology-intensive projects and start-up.

During the first day, the partecipants hypothesised a practical scenario analysis in which analize the evaluation process. In a collective brainstorming activity, the reaserches presented a series of cases related to the evaluation process of a start-up. Participants were invited to contribute their ideas and evaluations with the aim of analysing each scenario in detail.

On the final day, after the working groups were formed, a short project presentation was created to give potential investors an overview of the business plan, products and services. Participants presented and discussed projects, receiving constructive feedback and personalised suggestions in order to improve presentation skills.

The next appointment of the RAISE Knowledge Transfer & Entrepreneurship Academy will be for Module 3: Transversal skills for innovation and knowledge transfer management.

Video Author: Emilio Suraci (CNR)
Credits: RAISE

AAA Ambassadors wanted to promote free RAISE courses

RAISE is looking for faces and voices to promote its free courses dedicated to artificial intelligence and robotics.

RAISE digital citizenship training courses are online, free and interactive training courses, focused on robotics and artificial intelligence skills applied to different disciplinary areas and developed by professors from the University of Genoa, with the support of experts in innovative teaching, within the P4 project – Basic AI & Robotics Skills at University Level, one of the training courses provided for in the RAISE Training Program, coordinated by Spoke 5.

Participating in the challenge is very simple: just create a reel (a short video content in vertical format, created through multiple image or video clips) using the hashtag #Raise4StudentsUniGe with the aim of raising awareness of the opportunity to take advantage of 1 CFU courses for free that can be included in the study plans of UniGe students as elective courses.

How to become an Ambassador of RAISE courses:
1. Create your reel (maximum duration 2 minutes) on Instagram, tag @unigenova and use the hashtag #Raise4StudentsUniGe by Wednesday 23 October 2024;
2. Write an email to with the link to your reel;
3. UniGe will share your reel in the stories, you spread it as much as possible among your contacts;
4. From Thursday 24 October 2024 UniGe will compare the views of all the reels that have been reported via email;
5. Whoever has obtained the most views will be a UniGe Ambassador and will be awarded on a special day dedicated to the presentation of the 1 CFU RAISE courses to the citizens.

The winners of this challenge will be awarded on 29 October 2024.

For any doubts or information contact

Spoke 5 researchers participated in Anticipation 2024

The 5th annual conference on Anticipation Studies “Anticipation 2024” was held at the University of Lancaster from 11 to 14 September.

Stefania Bocconi e Valeria Piras from the Institute for Educational Technologies of the CNR operating within the project “P6 – BASIC AI & ROBOTICS SKILLS FOR SECONDARY SHOOL (STACY)”, one of the eight Training projects (SPOKE 5) of the RAISE ecosystem, attended the conference with a scientific poster.

The poster outlined the theoretical foundations underlying the online course “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: new generations, new visions”, currently in the initial phase of its second edition. A course that trains secondary school teachers to put into practice methodologies specific to Anticipation Studies, to sediment in students critical thinking and agency towards digital innovation and in particular on the rapid development of AI and Robotics.
The Anticipation 2024 conference was a valuable opportunity to have a discussion with the most important international exponents of the discipline regarding the ongoing project. This experience demonstrated the urgency of laying the foundations of a critical culture regarding the development of AI and Robotics in educational contexts at an international level and made clear that the methodological practices of anticipation of Future Studies are a way to achieve this goal.

The poster allowed, through a QR Code, to download the toolkit used during the online course with the teachers.

“Anticipation 2024 was an incredible experience to be able to present the theoretical foundations of the STACY project. Having the opportunity to discuss with the holders of the UNESCO chairs in anticipatory systems and future studies from all over the world, as well as experts and practitioners in the sector, was enriching and very inspiring!” comments Valeria Piras, researcher at ITD-CNR.

RAISE P4 digital citizenship training courses are about to start

RAISE digital citizenship free and interactive training courses are online. These courses will award 1 CFU and a final open badge and are focused on robotics and artificial intelligence skills applied to different disciplinary areas.

The courses were developed by professors from the University of Genoa, with the support of innovative teaching experts, within the project P4 – Basic AI & Robotics Skills at University Level, one of the training courses provided for in the RAISE Training Program, coordinated by Spoke 5.

These courses are aimed at students from the University of Genoa with the objective of increasing awareness and autonomy in the use of advanced digital technologies.
The teaching proposal is innovative and diversified: 23 courses available online, accessible in asynchronous mode and organized into basic, intermediate and advanced levels, based on the level of previous preparation: the lessons are delivered via interactive videos on the dedicated RAISE Aulaweb platform.
Each course is divided into short teaching modules, quizzes, games, exercises and self-learning.
At the end of each course, an Open Badge will be issued to all participants, and for UniGe students 1 CFU will also be recognized to be included among the additional credits.

On the website UniGe the pilot course “Mathematics for AI in pills” is available to familiarize with the fundamental concepts of robotics and artificial intelligence and the first 4 digital citizenship courses currently available:
Artificial Intelligence and Administrative Activity | Basic Level Course
Embedded Tiny Machine Learning | Basic Level Course
Introduction to Cognitive Dynamic Systems | Intermediate Level Course
Simulation, Prediction and Control in Energy Systems Analysis: Methodological Aspects and Applications | Intermediate Level Course

What is digital citizenship?
Digital citizenship is the ability of people to participate actively, responsibly and consciously in the digital life of society.
It includes the safe, critical and ethical use of digital technologies, online services and Internet resources.
A digital citizen is a person who knows how to use the Internet, mobile devices, social media and other technologies in a responsible and productive way, respecting the social and legal norms of the network.
Being a digital citizen means using digital technologies responsibly and consciously to interact with the world, respecting the rights and duties that derive from them: this is an important goal for all people, which is why it is important to train.

DRIMS2 Doctoral School Successfully Concluded

The DRIMS2 Doctoral School, an Advanced Training project organized in Volterra as part of the P8 – Boosting PhD students’ career activity, one of the training courses provided for in the Training Program coordinated by Spoke 5, RAISE, ended on September 11th.

This 2024 edition, which brought together 80 participants from national and international institutions, offered several transversal activities aimed at doctoral students in AI and Robotics, including a full day dedicated to a RAISE Capsule.
The topics of sustainability and green robotics applied to manufacturing were discussed, offering students a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge on how robotics can be used to create more sustainable manufacturing solutions.

“We are thrilled to share the success of the latest edition of the Doctoral Summer School at DRIM, which took place in Volterra from 6 to 11 September and in which the University of Genoa played a crucial role through the RAISE project. The focus of this year’s school was on Robot-Based Additive Manufacturing, offering participants the opportunity to explore the intersection between robotics and advanced manufacturing technologies.” Comments Prof. Giovanni Berselli (University of Genoa and ADVR, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) who coordinated this activity in collaboration with Dr. Alberto Parmiggiani, Director of the MWS facility @ Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia.
“Thanks to our dedicated tutors, Mario Baggetta and Greta Vazzoler, for providing guidance and support in the classroom. We are proud of the collaborative spirit and enthusiasm shown by all participants, and we look forward to seeing how they will apply these skills in their future research and projects.”

The next edition, DRIMS 2025, will be hosted by the University of Genoa.

Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise