Privacy & Cookies

This privacy notice is provided in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and the current provisions of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Italian Privacy Code) to inform the User-data subject of the website https://www.raiseliguria.it (hereinafter referred to as the “Site” or “Website”) about the personal data processing carried out during navigation.
This document may be subject to changes due to variations in processing purposes, changes in data protection legislation, or technological developments. In such cases, updated versions will be published on this Site.
Data Controller. The Data Controller, i.e., the entity that determines the purposes and means of personal data processing and to whom one can address to exercise the rights recognized by the GDPR, is RAISE S.c.a.r.l., with its registered office in Genoa (GE), Italy, Via Peschiera, No. 16, Cap. 26 (hereinafter referred to as “RAISE” or “Controller”), and can be contacted at the email address: privacy@raiseliguria.it.
The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) – the Data Protection Officer is Studio Legale Associato B-Right Lawyers, VAT and CF 02532710999 – located at via Niccolò Bacigalupo, 4/13 16122 Genoa (GE), Italy, who can be contacted at the email address: info@b-rightlawyers.eu.
Types of Data Collected.The IT systems and software procedures used to operate the Site may, during their normal operation, acquire certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. These are information not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but which, by their nature, could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category includes information such as IP address, device type, unique device identifiers, browser type, general geographic location (e.g., country or city level), and other technical information. We may also collect information on how the User’s device interacts with our Website, including pages visited and links clicked, request date and time, type and size of the requested resource, and other data related to the operating system.
Purpose of Data Processing. We do not perform hidden processing nor record personal or preference data related to the use of the Website content; we do not identify or track the personal identity of those accessing the Website.
The processing of browsing personal data is used to obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the Website, to check its correct functioning, to improve the quality of the services offered, and to optimize the functionality of the Website.
Such data is processed using IT tools (including portable devices) in a manner strictly necessary and proportionate to ensure the security of the networks and the information passing through them, and in compliance with the confidentiality obligations imposed on the Data Controller, as well as adopting technical-organizational security measures appropriate to the type of data processed.
Providing such data is not mandatory; if the User decides not to provide such data, they should not navigate the Website and will not be able to access the functionalities offered by it.
Lawfulness of Processing. Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in maintaining the security of the Site and ensuring that it is not used in ways that infringe on others’ rights or as a channel for illegal activities or potential fraud (see Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR and Recital 47 of the GDPR).
Data Retention.Personal data referred to in this section is kept for up to 12 months from collection, unless for the exercise or defence of the Controller’s legal claims, in which case the retention period may be longer.
Types of Data Collected.The Website has a “Contacts” section that allows the User to send a contact request to RAISE or to make specific requests; this section collects the following types of data: email address and, if provided, name and surname. The processing of such data will occur only based on the information provided by the User and strictly within the requested scope.
RAISE asks Users not to include in the contact email information from which, even indirectly, data belonging to special categories under Article 9 of the GDPR could be inferred.
Purpose of Data Processing. The purpose is to respond to contact requests sent by Users to RAISE.
Such data is processed using IT tools (including portable devices) in a manner strictly necessary and proportionate to ensure the security of the networks and the information passing through them, and in compliance with the confidentiality obligations imposed on the Controller, as well as adopting technical-organizational security measures appropriate to the type of data processed.
Providing such data is optional; however, if the User chooses not to provide it, they will be unable to submit contact requests to RAISE, and RAISE will consequently be unable to provide an appropriate response.
Lawfulness of Processing. Processing is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the Data Subject/User (see Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR).
Data Retention. RAISE retains personal data for as long as necessary to respond to User requests and to properly manage any subsequent requests from the same User. The Data Controller may retain the data for a longer period in the event of exercise or defence of its legal claims.
What Are Cookies and What Do They Do?
Cookies are information (small text strings) placed in the User’s browser (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.) when the Website is visited. They perform various and important functions on the web (e.g., carrying out IT authentications, session monitoring, storing information on specific configurations concerning users accessing the server, storing preferences, etc.). During navigation, the User may also receive cookies from different sites (so-called “third-party cookies”), set directly by managers of those websites and used for the purposes and in the manner defined by them.
Types and list of cookies used by this Site
There are different types of cookies that contain different information and perform various functions (e.g., carrying out IT authentications, session monitoring, storing preferences for sending targeted advertising messages, etc.). Each cookie, in turn, contains various data (e.g., the name of the server it comes from, a numerical identifier, etc.). These data can remain on the User’s device for varying periods – a browser session, a few hours, several days, or for longer periods.
This site uses technical cookies necessary for navigation: RAISE uses cookies from CookieYes, WordPress, and Polylang, which are necessary cookies needed for navigation or to provide a service requested by the User. They are not used for additional purposes. The necessary cookies are those described in the following table:

Scroll to the left
Type Domain Description Duration
cookieyes-consent www.raiseliguria.it Cookie Yes uses this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that they are respected on subsequent visits to the site. It does not collect or store any personal information about site visitors. 1 year
wordpress_test_cookie www.raiseliguria.it WordPress uses this cookie to determine if cookies are enabled in users’ browsers. Session
pll_language www.raiseliguria.it Polylang uses this cookie to remember the language selected by the User when they return to the site and to obtain language information when it is not otherwise available. 1 year

Technical cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site. Without these cookies, some operations could not be performed or would be more complex and/or less secure. Therefore, technical cookies are essential and are not subject to the User’s consent.
This site uses third-party cookies: RAISE also uses analytical and functional cookies from YouTube and ShinyStat.
Analytical and functional cookies are those described in the following table:

Scroll to the left
Type Domain Description Duration
Consent youtube.com YouTube uses this cookie through embedded YouTube videos to record anonymous statistical data. 2 years
YSC youtube.com  YouTube uses these cookies to monitor views of embedded videos on YouTube pages. Session
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE youtube.com YouTube uses this cookie to measure bandwidth, determining whether the User receives the new or old player interface. 6 months
yt.innertube::requests youtube.com YouTube uses this cookie to record a unique ID to store data about the YouTube videos the User has watched. Never
yt.innertube::nextId youtube.com YouTube uses this cookie to record a unique ID to store data about the YouTube videos the User has watched. Never
yt-remote-device-id youtube.com YouTube uses this cookie to record a unique ID to store data about the YouTube videos the User has watched. Never
yt-remote-connected-devices youtube.com YouTube uses this cookie to record a unique ID to store data about the YouTube videos the User has watched. Never
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA youtube.com YouTube uses this cookie to store the User’s consent status for the current site. 6 months
SSID_SS-49156919-dc59f www.raiseliguria.it  ShinyStat uses this cookie for anonymized session identification. Session
SV_SS-49156919-dc59f www.raiseliguria.it ShinyStat uses this cookie for anonymized session identification. Session
SSC_SS-49156919-dc59f www.raiseliguria.it  ShinyStat uses this analytical and anonymized cookie for tracking data in the cart for conversions. 6 months
SN_SS-49156919-dc59f www.raiseliguria.it ShinyStat uses this cookie for tracking view frequencies, visits, and returning visitors. 6 months

Analytical and functional cookies are not necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and therefore may not be activated through the cookie banner.
For more information about the YouTube cookies used on the Site, please visit:
For more information about the ShinyStat cookies used on the Site, please visit:
Processing Methods
Processing is carried out using automated tools by RAISE. No dissemination or communication is made in relation to technical cookies.
Data Provision and Consent
Technical cookies do not require the User’s consent, as they are necessary for the proper functioning of the Website.
Analytical and functional cookies must be activated by the User through the Site’s cookie banner.
Cookie Duration
Some cookies (session cookies) remain active only until the browser is closed or the logout command is executed. Other cookies “survive” the closing of the browser and are available on subsequent visits by the User. These cookies are called persistent, and their duration is set by the server at the time of creation. In some cases, an expiration date is set; in other cases, the duration is up to two years.
However, during navigation on this site, you may interact with third-party sites that can create or modify permanent and profiling cookies.
Disabling Cookies
While the above refers to cookies strictly necessary for navigation, the User can generally delete cookies directly through their browser. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Below are links to instructions on how to disable cookies for the most common browsers:
– Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3D
– Mozilla Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Enabling%20and%20disabling%20cookies
– Apple Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US
Data Communication and Dissemination.
RAISE may transfer the User’s personal data to third parties who are authorized and properly trained (including with respect to security measures and confidentiality obligations), such as independent data controllers or data processors under Art. 28 GDPR, to perform technical or commercial operations necessary to execute services related to the optimal management of the site (e.g., IT service providers). In such cases, data communication is essential to meet contractual obligations and to improve site performance. RAISE ensures through data processing agreements that data processors handle data adequately and securely. The User may request a list of processors using the e-mail address of RAISE mentioned above. Additionally, RAISE may be required to share the User’s personal data when required by law or a public authority’s order, or to protect its own or third parties’ rights.
The data mentioned above are not communicated to third parties, and there is no dissemination or profiling, except as mentioned in the cookie section.
International Data Transfer
The Site is hosted on a server located in the EU. Therefore, there is no transfer of personal data abroad.
Data Subject Rights
The User, as a Data Subject navigating the Website, has the right, within the limits provided by data protection regulations, to:
– Access their personal data held by the Controller;
– Request correction and/or deletion (right to be forgotten);
– Request restriction or object to processing;
– Request data portability;
– Lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (Data Protection Authority:
Requests to exercise the above rights should be addressed to: privacy@raiseliguria.it.
This notice is updated as of November 2023
Any future changes to this notice will be published on this page. RAISE invites Users to regularly review this page to stay informed of any updates.

Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise