Davide Giglio

Ecosistema Innovazione RAISE - Davide Giglio - Coordinatore Spoke 4.COORDINATOR SPOKE 4
Davide Giglio is associate professor of Transports at the University of Genoa. He obtained a PhD in electronic and computer engineering and was a researcher first in systems engineering and subsequently in transports.
His research interests concern the engineering of transport systems, the optimization of urban mobility, the modeling and control of traffic networks, the optimization of logistics systems and supply chains.
He has participated in numerous national and international research projects in the field of infomobility, modeling and optimization of traffic networks, management of logistics networks, optimization and control of logistics and production systems, and has been coordinator and scientific manager of some of them.
Davide Giglio is the Rector’s Delegate for the RAISE Innovation Ecosystem (created as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4, financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU), where he is also coordinator of Spoke 4 “Smart and Sustainable Ports”.

Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise