
An innovation ecosystem conceived and coordinated by UNIGE, CNR and IIT.



million euros


million euros

for businesses and institutions


million euros

to create an industrial connection with Southern Italy (RAISE Connect)

The project was selected along with 10 others by the MUR as a result of the tender (Notice no. 3277 of 12-30-2021).

The ROBOTICS AND AI FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT (RAISE) project aims to support the development of an innovation ecosystem based on the scientific and technological domains of artificial intelligence and robotics, focusing on the needs of a specific regional context, namely the Liguria Region . The project aims to evolve into a highly attractive ecosystem for businesses, investors and researchers, both nationally and internationally. The proposed project has its roots in a regional territory characterized by scientific, technological and economic specificities (full consistency with regional Smart Specialization).

Liguria appears like an open-air laboratory in which demographic trends manifested themselves before anywhere else in the world (for a series of historical reasons) and right here there are some of the largest robotic and AI research laboratories present in Italy with scientific programs exploring the co-presence of intelligent machines alongside humans to improve the quality of life and work (“Robot Valley”).

In this perspective, RAISE aims to take advange of the strengths and contribute reducing the weaknesses of the territory, by leveraging existing resources and capabilities, generating new opportunities through effective and efficient technological transfer.
The idea behind this innovation ecosystem is to coordinate and enhance research products in a logic of integration of the technology transfer system, using the local market as an extraordinary and immediate laboratory for experimentation and application.

The ecosystem of innovation represents a sort of “engine” to rewrite the foundations of industrialization through robotics and artificial intelligence also to face the energy challenge and to include solid ethical and human-centred design by creating stable and virtuous connections among the actors involved and implementing an environment that fosters innovation with high economic and social impact.

The project has the ambitious goal of taking a leading role in the outlined area of specialization, nationally and internationally.


Ecosistema RAISE - Circle Garage Genova
Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise