
Published the ranking of candidates admitted to P3 - OFFICINAE RAISE 2024/2025

Launch of P7 - Advanced AI & Robotics Applications4SMEs: a training course for SMEs

Imparare a contrattare, si è concluso il workshop in Mastering Negotiation del modulo P1 della RAISE Academy

Training for PhD Students in AI and Robotics: P8 - BOOSTING PhD STUDENTS’ CAREER

The second edition of the basic course for public administrations, as part of the Spoke 5 Training Program

“Future scenarios: advantages and challenges of using artificial intelligence in public administration”: the P5 workshop

Successful launch of the P7 Program: Advanced AI & Robotics Applications4SMEs

Extension of Applications for P3 - OFFICINAE RAISE until February 28, 2025

Registrations still open for Module 3 of the RAISE Knowledge Transfer & Entrepreneurship Academy

Applications Open for P3 - OFFICINAE RAISE 2024/2025: Become a Leader in AI and Robotics Innovation

RAISE's Training Program at BioRob PhD Day 2024