RAISE’s training activity is developed through a Training Program composed of eight projects (P1 – P2 – P3 – P4 – P5 – P6 – P7 – P8), each with specific characteristics and recipients.
The design of these initiatives, promoted and coordinated by Spoke 5, actively involved the ecosystem community to effectively address the needs of the Project’s key stakeholders.
The courses will be implemented and made available on the e-learning platform dedicated to the Project with the support of the e-learning, multimedia and web tools service of the University of Genoa and the Unige Teaching and Learning Center in order to guarantee the use of specific tools and innovative teaching methods.
The training will include also in-person workshops, laboratories and specialized events, with the aim of building a community of skills to improve the development and competitiveness of the territory.
Upon completion of each training course, an Open Badge will be issued to certify the knowledge and skills acquired.
The Open Badge is:
– a personal, portable and verifiable digital certificate or recognition, a digital badge that certifies skills, knowledge or competences, or membership in groups, participation in activities or events, the attribution of training credits.
– digital and transferable and therefore easily insertable into portfolios, social profiles, web pages, digital CVs, and can be easily sent by email.
– a flexible tool that can be obtained in different scholastic, training, professional, cultural, sporting contexts and more.
– verifiable by anyone in real time online through specific validation tools.
For more information on the eight projects of the Training Program, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
P1 addresses RAISE’s researchers and PhD students also not part of RAISE including those outside RAISE who wish to expand their knowledge about technology transfer, exploitation of research results and deep-tech entrepreneurship.
The training activity aims to strengthen skills for the development of entrepreneurial ideas, based on the results of research conducted in vertical Spokes. Participants will acquire the fundamental knowledge to start, manage and grow a high-tech start-up with the support of Spoke 5.
For more information on P1 – RAISE KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER & ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACADEMY, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
– Module 1 | Knowledge transfer, intellectual property protection and valorization
Registration | You can access the platform and enjoy the module content offline until the general registration deadline
Workshops |
Feb. 26, 2024 | 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. | IP Protection and Valorization: success stories and best practices
Feb. 27, 2024 | 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Designing a KTT strategy: success stories and best practices
July 15, 2024 | 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. | Mediatraining – Communication and External Relations Directorate
– Module 2 | Vocational training for deep tech entrepreneurship
Registration | You can register from September 3, 2024
Workshop |
Oct. 3-4, 2024 | Professional training for entrepreneurship in the advanced technology sector.
To participate in the Workshop, you must complete the offline streaming training no later than September 27, 2024
– Module 3 | Capabilities4Innovation and knowledge transfer management
Registration | Starting from November 15, 2024. The expected time for completing the content is approximately one month.
Workshops | Winter 2024. The dates for the in-person workshops will be announced shortly, along with the deadline to complete the offline streaming training, which is required to participate in the event.
The online modules take place on the UniGe Moodle platform.
Students who have registered by the deadline can access via login with SPID or with UniGe credentials, for the entire course or the single module.
– Log in
– Nicoletta Buratti | University of Genoa | Coordinator of the RAISE Training Program
Associate Professor in Economics and Business Management at the University of Genoa, where she carries out her training and research activities on topics related to innovation management, high tech entrepreneurship, and the marketing of new products.
Member of the University Technology Transfer Commission, she designed and coordinated specialist training courses on innovative entrepreneurship, innovation management, the transfer of knowledge from research to the market, digital transition.
She is the author of numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications and reports at academic conferences; she is a member of the Italian Marketing Society, within which she coordinated the Technology and Innovation Marketing thematic section for several years.
As part of the RAISE Project she is responsible for the Training Plan and the Deep Tech Observatory project.
She is currently a Board Member of Raise Scarl.
– Maria Carmela Basile | National Research Council | Coordinator of Module 1
Head of the Research Valorisation Unit of the National Research Council.
It deals with the protection, management and valorisation of intellectual property, support for the creation of spin-off businesses, promotion and management of technology transfer projects, implementation of strategic partnerships with public and private entities to support research and innovation.
Member of Institution Committees and Commissions regarding the evaluation of the Third Mission, support and financing for the PoC, definition of policies and regulations of industrial property. She designed and coordinated training programs on technology transfer dedicated to researchers and businesses.
She is involved in various national and international projects for the innovation and internationalization of companies.
She works on various PNRR projects to support the processes of valorisation of results and open innovation; coordinates the participation of the CNR in Spoke 5 (Tech Transfer & Development) of the RAISE Ecosystem.
– Andrea Pagnin | Italian Institute of Technology
Andrea Pagnin is te head of the Innovation and Development Office of the Italian Institute of Technology within the Technology Transfer Directorate dealing with innovative projects of strategic and macroeconomic value for technological and knowledge transfer. He has an entrepreneurial background and has founded two start-ups. He also has in-depth experience in developing innovation positioning strategies on the market.
At IIT he previously worked in the intelligent humanoid robot research and development team at the Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, where he gained significant experience in analyzing the development of complex systems. He has a research background in the field of territorial economics and spatial development logics.
Andrea Pagnin currently holds the role of Spoke 5 Coordinator (Tech Transfer & Development) within the RAISE Innovation Ecosystem.
– Research-innovation transition management;
– Fundamentals of Knowledge Transfer and Technology (KTT);
– Protection and valorisation of intellectual property (IP);
– Legal and contractual aspects of the KTT;
– Economics and management of the Deep Tech Start up (DTS);
– Identification of opportunities and business model development;
– Communication for the value proposition and construction of the brand;
– Acquisition of financing and management of the relationship with financiers;
– Development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills;
– Networking and stakeholder engagement.
– Coaching and mentorship;
– Mentorship program in two editions;
– Technological feasibility analysis and scaling model;
– Strategic acceleration and business optimization;
– Specialist support on vertical topics;
– Definition and structuring of investor decks and pitches.
– The course is composed of 3 modules, each module is structured into 30 micro-learning videos (20 minutes each);
– Thematic in-person workshops at the end of each module;
– Registrations for the complete course or individual modules;
– Unlimited access to training activities;
– In person coaching and mentorship.
P2 addresses local SMEs operators with no specific orientation towards AI and robotics, in order to encourage the adoption of innovation-oriented approaches. The training activity aims to help SMEs in the digitalization process, business model change and practices related to AI and robotics, which could allow them to increase productivity and gain a competitive advantage. Specific coaching is planned/provided for those interested in promoting effective change in the SME they come from.
For more information on P2 – BASIC AI & ROBOTICS Applications4SMEs, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
The learning path is structured into 11 modules, delivered via offline streaming, available on the dedicated platform starting from November 22, 2024:
– 4 mandatory basic modules;
– 7 elective specialization modules, customizable according to the specific needs of the participants and the business processes they are involved in. The modules are divided into 20-minute micro-learning videos.
Following this, a schedule for in-person meetings (starting from February 2025) and details about coaching activities will be provided.
In-person events: 8 in-person events, each lasting 2 hours, are aimed at promoting networking among participants and presenting successful case studies of local companies, both SMEs and startups, that have effectively developed and/or implemented AI and robotics applications in their activities.
Coaching: the service provides each participant with the assistance of an expert professional to deepen the knowledge acquired during the module and integrate it into the business context in which they operate. The coaching is designed to provide significant support to managers, employees, and entrepreneurs of SMEs to increase their awareness of the potential of AI and robotics, with specific reference to the business context and the sector in which their company operates.
The online modules take place on the UniGe Moodle platform.
Students who have registered by the deadline can access via login with SPID or with UniGe credentials, for the entire course or the single module.
– Log in
– Prof. Nicoletta Buratti
Associate Professor – Department of Economics – University of Genoa
– Prof. Giorgia Profumo
Full Professor and Head of Department – Department of Economics – University of Genoa
– Dr. Francesco Vitellaro
Fixed-term Researcher – Department of Economics – University of Genoa
4 modules dedicated to mandatory basic training activities (approximately 7 hours)
– Companies and Digital Transformation: Key Concepts;
– Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning;
– Data Science;
– Robotics.
7 elective specialization modules, customizable according to the specific needs of the participants and the business processes they are involved in, divided into 20-minute micro-learning videos
– Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Decision-Making;
– Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Customer Value Creation;
– Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Financing and Administration Processes;
– Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Operational Processes;
– Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Logistics and Supply Chain;
– Applications of Robotics in Operational Processes;
– Applications of Robotics in Logistics and Supply Chain.
The learning path also includes the organization of 8 in-person events, each lasting 2 hours, on topics covered by the basic and specialization modules.
Topics and speakers involved in the in-person events:
– Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Strategic Choices;
– Marketing, Advertising, and Internationalization in the AI Era;
– Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Administration, HR, and Management Control;
– The Effects of AI and Machine Learning on Business Operations;
– The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Logistics Chain of SMEs;
– Practical Applications of Robotics in SMEs;
– Robotics in Logistics and Operational Management.
The training activities on the platform will be accessible without limitations.
The learning path is structured into 11 modules, delivered via offline streaming, available on the dedicated platform starting from November 22, 2024:
– 4 mandatory basic modules;
– 7 elective specialization modules, customizable according to the specific needs of the participants and the business processes they are involved in, divided into 20-minute micro-learning videos.
An immersive training programme designed to equip participants with the skills and methodologies necessary to operate in the rapidly evolving fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
The course is targeted at Master’s and PhD students from the University of Genoa, with the aim of fostering entrepreneurial and interdisciplinary skills. The initiative seeks to encourage creativity and entrepreneurship among students while promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.
Professionals will be involved to provide valuable insights, identify current challenges, and inspire effective action within the ecosystem.
For more information on P3 – Officinae RAISE, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
Candidates must be regularly enrolled in a Master’s or PhD programme at the University of Genoa (UniGe).
Candidates must include the following in their application:
– Proof of enrolment in a Master’s or PhD programme (certificate obtained via UniGe online services or a self-certification declaration).
– A brief curriculum vitae detailing academic background and extracurricular activities relevant to participation in the OFFICINAE RAISE course.
– A motivation letter explaining their interest in the course, personal and professional goals, prior experience in related fields, and any entrepreneurial ideas or initiatives already undertaken.
Applications must be submitted exclusively via email to formazione.raise@unige.it no later than 28 February 2025 (deadline extended).
Further details are available here.
The training course includes:
3 Tool Courses: at Talent Garden Genova Baltimore (Address: Giardini Baltimora, 16121 Genova GE)
Day 1: Design Thinking. March 28, 2025
Day 2: Business Model Development. April 11, 2025
Day 3: Storytelling and Public Speaking. May 16, 2025
1 Intensive Bootcamp: at the Imperia Campus (transportation from Genoa to the venue is provided).
Day 1: June 4, 2025
Day 2: June 5, 2025
Day 3: June 6, 2025
The three days are dedicated to the application of the methodologies learned in the three courses and a study focused on AI and robotics, with an emphasis on the research activities of the different RAISE Spokes.
The programme is in-person; selected participants will be required to access the platform RAISE Liguria on AulaWeb to complete an initial mandatory questionnaire for all RAISE training activities.
Prof. Nicoletta Buratti
Associate Professor – Department of Economics | University of Genoa
Dr. Francesco Vitellaro
Fixed-term Researcher – Department of Economics | University of Genoa
Dr. Miriam Molinari
Senior Innovation Manager – Technology Transfer | Italian Institute of Technology
Participants will develop and refine skills in applying methodologies such as design thinking, business model development and storytelling & public speaking to create innovative entrepreneurial ideas in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence.
Key areas include:
– Understanding human needs, desires, and behaviours to design products/services that effectively address societal demands.
– Gaining strategic thinking skills to formulate coherent and distinctive value propositions supported by sustainable business models.
– Enhancing communication skills to deliver compelling and persuasive presentations to key stakeholders.
These topics will be individually addressed during the Tool Courses and practically applied during the Bootcamp, through teamwork activities supported by instructors and industry experts.
A maximum of 40 participants will be selected:
– 30 places reserved for Master’s students;
– 10 places reserved for PhD students.
Candidates will be evaluated based on their curriculum vitae and motivation letter.
The ranking will be published on the RAISE Liguria website by 7 March 2025, listing only matriculation numbers to ensure candidate privacy. Selected applicants will receive direct instructions for completing their enrolment.
If places allocated to each category are not filled, vacancies will be redistributed to the other category, adhering to the maximum limit of 40 participants.
Selection for participation in P3 OFFICINAE RAISE – Academic Year 2024/2025 | Ranking
Aimed at Unige students of all courses and also interested citizens. The goal is to increase students’ and citizens’ level of awareness and ability to use advanced digital skills, ensuring, regardless of the sector of specialization, the acquisition of sensitivity, culture and basic skills in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. The initiative consists of a set of 1 CFU digital citizenship training courses on RAISE topics: robotics and artificial intelligence and their application to the application domains, foreseen in the four “vertical” spokes.
For more information on P4 – Basic AI & robotics skills at university level, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
23 courses are scheduled during 2023/24 academic year, they are divided into basic, intermediate or advanced levels and can be accessed based on previous skills.
The training courses will be released during the year, will be available on the platform and accessible without limitations.
For more information on the courses, consult the dedicated page.
Teaching is delivered through interactive videos on the RAISE Aulaweb, platform which can be followed in asynchronous mode and independently.
Students can access the platform with UniGePass credentials, while citizens can authenticate via SPID.
– Fabrizio Bracco | University of Genoa | Coordinator of the BASIC AI & ROBOTICS SKILLS AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL project
Fabrizio Bracco is associate Professor in Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Genoa, where he carries out training and research activities on the topics of workplace safety, human factors and interaction between people and technologies. He is also the Rector’s Delegate for teaching innovation and faculty development, an area in which he coordinates the Unige Teaching and Learning Centre, dedicated to training teachers in innovative teaching. As part of the RAISE project, he provides methodological support for digital teaching and is responsible for the BASIC AI & ROBOTICS SKILLS AT UNIVERSITY LEVEL project.
At the end of each course, everyone will be issued an Open Badge and, for UniGe students, also 1 CFU to be included among the additional credits.
The courses have a total duration of 25 hours, divided into modules of approximately 30 minutes as follows:
– Teaching (4 hours);
– Quizzes, games and exercises (4 hours);
– Self-learning: in-depth materials such as articles, videos, sites, etc. recommended by the teacher (17 hours).
P5 training activity addresses public administration employees and is aimed at strengthening the skills for an effective digital transition, offering an overview of the potential applications of AI. The adoption of enabling technologies by PAs requires a long-term commitment, a well-defined strategy and an investment in infrastructure and staff training: it is important that PA staff understands and knows how to use enabling technologies to support innovation of processes and services.
For more information on P5 – AI for Public Administration, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
– to consolidate “digital culture” so that it is the driving force and guide of administrative action;
– to define and systematise sets of key skills according to the different professional profiles and the different role assumed in the process of implementing digital transformation, with particular attention to Artificial Intelligence;
– to promote an empowerment action to enable public employees to autonomously, effectively and efficiently implement artificial intelligence services within public administrations (services and processes).
The project is composed of 3 courses named PIANO, each with different objectives and targets, within the Public Administration staff.
– PLAN 1 | Basic course aimed at all PA employees
Modality: 30 20-minute microlearning videos and an in-person workshop
Period: May – July 2024
Registrations are open for the training course “Introduction to digital transformation and its role in the PA”
– PLAN 2 | Advanced e-leadership course aimed at Administrative officials and managers
Modality: in-person
Modality: in person
Period: first edition September 2024 – second edition summer 2025
Registrations are open for the training course “E-leadership skills for digital and aware management”
– PLAN 3 | Advanced e-procurement course aimed at technicians and administrative officials with particular reference to e-procurement personnel and those responsible for the transition to digital
Mode: blended
Period: September 2024
The online part of the different PIANO takes place on the UniGe Moodle platform.
Participants can access via SPID login or with UniGePass credentials: go to the RAISE Aulaweb Platform
– Luca Gandullia | University of Genoa | AI FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION project coordinator
Full professor of Public Finance and Regional and Local Government Finance at the Department of Political and International Sciences of the University of Genoa. He is the creator and director of the Master in “Innovation in Public Administration”, the Master in Public Management for the Liguria Region (MAREL) and numerous advanced training courses for public employees. He carries out research and consultancy for public and private entities.
He was a Tax Analyst at the OECD in Paris, where he is a consultant and expert consultant at the Court of Auditors in Rome (Coordination of the Regional Control Sections). Furthermore, he was a member of the Joint Technical Commission for the Implementation of Fiscal Federalism (COPAFF) established at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Since 2015, he has been the president of Liguria Ricerche S.p.A.
– PLAN 1 | Basic course aimed at all PA employees: offers a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of artificial intelligence and robotics, together with a comprehensive overview of their practical applications and the ethical and legal consequences related to the adoption of advanced technologies in public administration.
– PLAN 2 | Advanced e-leadership course: offers the opportunity to develop e-leadership skills necessary for reflective and aware digital management, e-management skills necessary for digital management, communication, collaboration, decision-making and problem-solving skills in a digital context.
– PLAN 3 | Advanced e-procurement course: offers the opportunity to learn about the use of digital technologies for managing the procurement process and the benefits of e-procurement to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase transparency and accountability.
At the end of each individual PIANO, all participants will be issued an Open Badge RAISE after they have successfully completed the online test.
The project aims to develop a virtual community of secondary school teachers interested in AI and Robotics topics (STACY – Secondary TeAcher CommuniTY), offering an online environment that integrates ‘formal’ training events (online courses held by experts) and moments of informal interaction through the exchange of professional practices between community members. The STACY online community environment is divided into four areas: a training space, a documentation space, a space for social interaction among community members, and a space for accessing various initiatives and workshops for secondary schools on AI&R proposed and conducted by P6 – RAISE Project for schools.
In particular, the online course addresses teachers and aims to: (a) introduce basic AI&R concepts, (b) learn and experiment methods and tools for the design and implementation of educational activities on AI&Robotics topics in the classroom in a prospective vision.
For more information on P6 – Basic AI & robotics skills for secondary school, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
The online course, which will be held dal 18 settembre al 18 dicembre 2024, is divided into 5 modules (including synchronous and asynchronous activities) and it is organized in a learning-by-doing mode, allowing the teacher to apply the knowledge acquired gradually in the classroom:
– Module 1 | Introduction to AI, robotics and prospective thinking (8 hours – 2 weeks);
– Module 2 | Why it is important to talk about the future (10 hours – 2 weeks);
– Module 3 | The Backasting method (7 hours – 1 week);
– Module 4 | Design prospective reflection activities in class (5 hours – 1 week);
– Module 5 | Carry out the planned activity in class (20 hours – 3 weeks).
The online modules take place on the UNIGE Moodle platform.
Students who have registered by the deadline can access via login with SPID or with UNIGE credentials, for the entire course or single modules.
– Log in
– a video conference to present the proposed activities;
– short videos (approximately 2-3 minutes) on the topics covered;
– support material with examples of AI&R application (also from an educational perspective);
– consolidation activities.
The course can be used in two ways:
– Use of the theoretical part only, which involves participation in Modules 1, 2 and 3 and the release of training credit (25 hours of training) from ITD-CNR pursuant to MIUR Directive n. 170 of 03.21.2016 on the Accreditation of Training Institutions.
– Complete use, which involves the completion of all modules (including experimentation in class with your students amounting to approximately 10 hours in the March/April period). At the end of the course, the RAISE Open Badge and training credit (50 hours of training) will be issued by ITD-CNR pursuant to MIUR Directive no. 170 of 03.21.2016 on the Accreditation of Training Institutions.
– Roberto Poli | Full professor at the University of Trento
He obtained the first UNESCO Chair on anticipatory systems and directs the Master in social forecasting.
He is President of AFI-Association of Italian Futurists and -skopìa, a start-up of the University of Trento.
He is a member of the WAAS-World Academy of Art and Science. He edited the Handbook of Anticipation (Springer 2019), the most extensive review ever published on the different ways in which sciences, disciplines and communities of practice use the future, and published both in Italian and English an introduction to futures studies, ( En: Working with the future. Ideas and tools for managing uncertainty (Egea 2019)).
Overall he has published over 250 scientific articles and eight books. He is editing the Handbook of Futures Studies, which will be published by Elgar in 2024.
– Augusto Chioccariello | Researcher at the Institute for Educational Technologies of the National Research Council in Genoa
He has participated and coordinated numerous national and international projects financed by EU, MURST, CNR and companies.
His research interests include: tools for learning, communication, computer-mediated collaboration, microworlds for learning scientific concepts.
The ongoing research activity is focused on studying the potential of using robotic kits as a tool for learning by playing.
Previously, from 1982 to 1986 he was an associate researcher at the Educational Technology Center of the University of California at Irvine where he worked on physics teaching and dissemination of the scientific method.
In the summer of 1996 he worked at the Media Lab at MIT thanks to a NATO senior researcher fellowship where he worked on programming environments for children.
From 2004 to 2006 he was scientific director of the interactive laboratory “La bottega dei robot” of the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.
– Manuel Gentile | Researcher at the Institute for Educational Technologies of the National Research Council and head of the Palermo branch of the ITD.
Research Council and head of the Palermo branch of the ITD.
His research activity concerns the definition of methodologies and environments to support learning and teaching.
He has participated in several national and international research projects for the design and implementation of mobile learning platforms, educational Serious Games and systems for the production, sharing and collaborative organization of educational resources.
Currently, his activity focuses on the themes of embodied cognition, the design of games and the application of artificial intelligence in the educational field both for the development of ad hoc systems and for the analysis of the impact of these technologies on educational systems.
He is a member of the National Observatory on AI of the CNR and co-head of the thematic table AI for Education and Education for AI.
He has several scientific publications in the field of Serious Games and on the application of AI techniques in the design and creation of Serious Games.
He is currently scientific coordinator of the European SuperCyberKids project and head of the CNR unit within the European Erasmus+ KA3 project, Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers – AI4T.
– Acquire basic knowledge on AI&R and Anticipatory Thinking;
– Knowing how to design short educational activities capable of stimulating critical and prospective reflection on the part of students on the applications and possible evolutions of AI&R;
– Know AI&R applications in teaching.
The project aims to support innovative SMEs in the region throughout their development journey. It is targeted at entrepreneurs, managers, and other professionals working within high-tech SMEs, innovative start-ups, and academic spin-offs, primarily within the Ligurian ecosystem. Specifically, the project identifies two main target groups, which shape its structure:
– Those working in innovative SMEs in the ICT sector, with a particular focus on AI and robotics, who require entrepreneurial and managerial skills and expertise;
– Those working in innovative SMEs that are already using or planning to adopt AI and robotics technologies in their processes in the near future and need to reconsider and re-engineer their operational dynamics.
For more information on P7 – Advanced AI & Robotics Applications4SMEs, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
The P7 | ADVANCED AI & ROBOTICS APPLICATIONS4SMES project is divided into three modules, with the first two being optional:
– Module “Business Strategies and Innovation”: for those needing entrepreneurial and managerial skills.
– Module “Introduction of Advanced AI and Robotics Tools and Process Redesign”: for those requiring a rethinking and reengineering of operational dynamics.
– Module “DISSEM-INNOVATION”: an in-person module for both target groups, aimed at fostering interaction between research and business.
The online component of the modules is hosted on the Moodle platform of UniGe.
Participants can access modules 1 or 2 using their CIE/SPID credentials or UniGe login.
– Log in
More information about the course at this link.
For more information, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
Scientific Director
Renata Paola Dameri
Associate Professor of Business Administration, Department of Economics, UniGe
Costanza Di Fabio
Business Administration Researcher, Department of Economics, UniGe
Silvia Massa
Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering Management, Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management, and Transport Engineering, UniGe
Francesca Querci
Associate Professor of Financial Intermediaries Economics, Department of Economics, UniGe
Elisa Roncagliolo
Business Administration Researcher, Department of Economics, UniGe
Stefania Testa
Full Professor of Industrial Engineering Management, Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management, and Transport Engineering, UniGe
Module 1 | Learning outcomes
– Build awareness of business models for SMEs producing and using AI and robotics in their operations;
– Provide tools to analyze competitive positioning and key success factors for businesses;
– Support the ability to define the marketing mix for AI and robotics products and services;
– Guide growth and business acceleration processes, with a focus on financial tools necessary for business development;
– Learn to measure, understand, and manage revenue and production costs, evaluate business performance (financial and non-financial), and prepare financial communication reports for current and potential financiers and investors.
Module 2 | Learning outcomes
– Provide tools to understand how AI impacts business processes and operational dynamics;
– Equip participants with an overall vision to optimize business processes, reducing time and costs through automation and efficiency driven by AI and robotics;
– Develop the ability to redesign and optimize production processes, especially those incorporating AI and robotics;
– Support reengineering processes to foster an innovative work environment and stimulate the creation of new products, services, or business models leveraging the potential of AI and robotics.
Module 3 | Learning outcomes
– Create a network between AI entrepreneurs and RAISE-focused researchers;
– Learn from advancements in applied research through interaction with researchers;
– Update knowledge on new technologies and progress in AI and robotics applied to the four RAISE contexts;
– Share needs and competencies to identify opportunities, including initiating knowledge-sharing processes.
– Dedicated coaching;
– Matching research and business demands.
– Two alternative modules available in offline streaming, structured into micro-learning videos (20 minutes each);
– In-person meetings;
– Unlimited access to training activities;
– Optional in-person coaching.
Transversal training activities addressing graduate students in the AI and Robotics field, aimed at encouraging the acquisition of specific skills for scientific and transversal research in addition to the disciplinary skills to be acquired, to facilitate the entering in working world.
For more information on P8 – Boosting PhD students’ career, contact formazione.raise@unige.it.
– Laura Gaggero | University of Genoa | Project Coordinator of BOOSTING PhD STUDENTS’ CAREER
Full Professor of Mineral Resources and Mineralogical-Petrographic Applications for the Environment and Cultural Heritage at the Department of Earth, Environment, and Life Sciences (DISTAV) of the University of Genoa. She conducts teaching and research activities in advanced education and participates in the doctoral teaching committee for accredited doctoral programs by the Ministry. She is currently the Vice Rector for Research.
The P8 | BOOSTING PhD STUDENTS’ CAREER project has two main objectives:
– the first aims to enhance the development of high-level specialized skills within the RAISE ecosystem;
– the second objective aims to give maximum visibility to the research activities, both fundamental and applied, carried out within RAISE.
Basic Level Training
– CRASH COURSES: this level is designed to enhance teaching activities within doctoral programs. Intensive modules will be offered to spread the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics among students with STEM backgrounds in doctoral programs other than those specific to Computer Science and Robotics;
– Modules introducing AI and robotics topics, also derived from other training projects in the Training Plan;
– Training modules on soft skills relevant to research and innovation development.
Advanced Level Training
– DRIMS2: a national interest summer school for the PhD program in Robotics and Intelligent Machines (DIN-DRIM);
– RAISE CROSSROADS WINTER SCHOOL: a transdisciplinary RAISE PhD school that will offer comprehensive training aimed at all PhD students at UniGe as well as all students from the National PhD in Robotics and Intelligent Machines.
– Overall cultural growth of UniGe PhD candidates. Building a professional and project-based network of external UniGe faculty and doctoral students;
– Training of experts with up-to-date knowledge and robust preparation for the international market;
– Participation in each training event will allow participants to obtain an Open Badge “Certificate”.