Spectral Laplace Transform of Signals on Arbitrary Domains

Spoke 02
Spoke 02
18 Luglio 2023
Spectral Laplace Transform of Signals on Arbitrary Domains


The Laplace transform is a central mathematical tool for analysing 1D/2D signals and for the solution to PDEs; however, its definition and computation on arbitrary data is still an open research problem.

We introduce the Laplace transform on arbitrary domains and focus on the spectral Laplace transform, which is defined by applying a 1D filter to the Laplacian spectrum of the input domain.

The spectral Laplace transform satisfies standard properties of the 1D and 2D transforms, such as dilation, translation, scaling, derivation, localisation, and relations with the Fourier transform.

The spectral Laplace transform is enough general to be applied to signals defined on different discrete data, such as graphs, 3D surface meshes, and point sets. Working in the spectral domain and applying polynomial and rational polynomial approximations, we achieve a stable computation of the spectral Laplace Transform.

As main applications, we discuss the computation of the spectral Laplace Transform of functions defined on arbitrary domains (e.g., 2D and 3D surfaces, graphs), the solution of the heat diffusion equation, and graph signal processing.


18 July 2023

RAISE Affiliate:

Spoke 2

Name of the Journal:

Journal of Scientific Computing

Publication type:

Contribution in journal



Finaziato dall'Unione Europea Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani Raise